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Mon, Jan 26, 2009 08:45:19 AM

δ the steps lead me away from self-centeredness and toward GOD-centeredness. δ
posted: Mon, Jan 26, 2009 08:45:19 AM


they allow me to strip away my delusion of self-sufficiency, acknowledge the bankruptcy of my self-righteousness and deflate my overwhelming sense of self-importance. okay, so i do not disappoint anyone, this is not going to to be an **i bash myself** sort of writing this morning, the steps have also taught me that i do not need to bash myself to live in the real world or to live in active recovery. what i heard in this reading is the HOPE that all those unsavory parts of me, that i came to recovery with, were the spiritual part of the part of me i call my addiction. -- WHEW-- that was quite a mouthful.
what i heard, as i sat quietly a the start of my day, is that i am not a victim of addiction anymore, nor do i need to be a hostage to my feelings, those days are past, unless i choose to allow myself to return to them. yes Virginia, i am talking about power here, the how i have some these days. just to let you know, i am still powerless over my addiction, that has yet to change, i am still an addict, that too, is as it always was, no what has changed is how i interact with the part of me i call my addiction and how i perceive the world around me. the steps, and the guidance of the men who i have called my sponsors over the course of my recovery, have allowed me to a bit of freedom from the self-centered behavior that i was the norm for me when i came to the program. the systematic destruction of ego, that was part and parcel of mt early recovery, is no longer needed to achieve results, i understand who and what i am, just one more addict who choose to recover today. yes, i can and have been self-centered, self-righteous and self-important, in the past and probably in the future also, that goes without saying, i am far from being cured, HOWEVER, i am less of all of those things today, and if i continue to do what i have been doing i will be less of those tomorrow, that is the promise of active recovery -- freedom from active addiction!
so what did i hear this morning -- gratitude for allowing myself to be more than i ever was; humility knowing that any power i have today did not come from within me; and certainty that i have made the correct choice for a life path to be following.
and the HOPE i feel today is manifest in how i repay a debt that is beyond ever repaying. i owe the fellowship that provided the path i choose to follow, and i will continue to pay against that debt on a daily basis, regardless of what may happen. so it is off to run in a snow storm, and like carrying my recovery with me, i will dress warmly and dryly enough so that i can do what i need to do without harming myself.

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 1

1) (Those who) possessed in highest degree the attributes (of the
Tao) did not (seek) to show them, and therefore they possessed them
(in fullest measure). (Those who) possessed in a lower degree those
attributes (sought how) not to lose them, and therefore they did not
possess them (in fullest measure).