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Wed, Jul 30, 2014 07:47:47 AM

¹ a daily inventory gives me the opportunity ¹
posted: Wed, Jul 30, 2014 07:47:47 AM


to change anything in my life that does not work. okay, i am certainly a creature of habit and when i get habituated to something, inertia, keeps me from stopping. perhaps, that is why i am still clean, regardless about what my head may tell me about whether or not this or that is socially acceptable and legal, now. i am one of those who never stopped taking an inventory, when he no longer wrote it down every single night, and i am grateful that i continue to do what i have done, nearly every single night since i did that infamous thirty day assignment over a decade ago. what is even more ironic, is i am smack dab in the middle of working a TENTH STEP at this time, and beginning to wonder, what can i do to further enhance my experience. the new questions and measures come and go, some stick, others seem to address very temporary problems and all of a sudden become redundant and pointless, kind of like that question: “am i clean today?”
seriously, would i be doing a daily inventory if i used today? the short answer is no, hell no and do not ever ask again! well maybe, as i tried to justify the beginning of my slide into active addiction, with the lies, the smoke and the mirrors that i so famously employed to feed my active addiction for all those years. worst of all, i do not have to go trolling parks and street corners, to get something i liked to use on a daily basis, i can step into a business, drop my cash on the counter and walk out with a little bit of something, that will change everything. that thought in and of itself, is certainly enough to make me sit up and take notice of the part of me i call addiction. yes, i am my addiction and my addiction is me. when i consider myself as a WHOLE, INCLUDING THE PART OF ME I CALL ADDICTION, I GET THE FREEDOM TO RECOVER AS A WHOLE. I DO NOT HAVE TO PRETEND TO BE SOME SORT OF FREAKING EXPERT, I AM!
so back to what i heard last night, as well as echoed this morning, i have not been sharing outside of my home group with any sort of frequency, unless you count ZERO times in the last month, as a frequency. one of my friends and peers in recovery called me out privately last week, as well as last night, specifically asking if i was ever going to open my mouth again. well now, it is starting to bother me, why is it that now, i am all of a sudden so reticent and quiet, when i certainly have very strong opinions and am quite vocal about them, in private or in the meeting after the meeting. that feels like something i need to start asking myself as part of my daily inventories, as i feel that there may be a new question coming down the pike, such as: “did i share in a meeting today? if not, why not?”
anyhow on that note i think i will move along down the road and head on over to work., after all, part of the reward of doing a daily inventory is that i do have to scrape a balloon to get well enough to go to work.

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

Another Look!

daily inventory 272 words ➥ Friday, July 30, 2004 by: donnot
α a regular inventory Ω 298 words ➥ Saturday, July 30, 2005 by: donnot
∞ by establishing a regular pattern of taking my own inventory, ∞ 545 words ➥ Sunday, July 30, 2006 by: donnot
δ where i was powerless over my addiction, i have found a Power greater than myself Δ 365 words ➥ Monday, July 30, 2007 by: donnot
· where i once felt lost in the maze of life i have found guidance … 634 words ➥ Wednesday, July 30, 2008 by: donnot
δ i need not feel trapped by my old, destructive patterns δ 647 words ➥ Thursday, July 30, 2009 by: donnot
⁄ if i am doing something that prevents problems from occurring ⁄ 512 words ➥ Friday, July 30, 2010 by: donnot
∴ continuing to take a personal inventory means that i form ∴ 788 words ➥ Saturday, July 30, 2011 by: donnot
∫ i will continue to honor my commitment ∫ 509 words ➥ Monday, July 30, 2012 by: donnot
§ self-examination, i once felt, would have been § 220 words ➥ Tuesday, July 30, 2013 by: donnot
↑ i did not feel ⇑ 700 words ➥ Thursday, July 30, 2015 by: donnot
⤶ a painful ⤷ 676 words ➥ Saturday, July 30, 2016 by: donnot
❝ regular inventory ❞ 619 words ➥ Sunday, July 30, 2017 by: donnot
🏗 my new pattern of living 🏟 524 words ➥ Monday, July 30, 2018 by: donnot
🐙 changing the way i live 🐙 504 words ➥ Tuesday, July 30, 2019 by: donnot
🚫 lost 🚪 564 words ➥ Thursday, July 30, 2020 by: donnot
👍 the opportunity 👎 504 words ➥ Friday, July 30, 2021 by: donnot
🤓 the habit 🤳 524 words ➥ Saturday, July 30, 2022 by: donnot
🧠 open mind, 🧠 413 words ➥ Sunday, July 30, 2023 by: donnot
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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 2

1) (It is the way of the Tao) to act without (thinking of) acting;
to conduct affairs without (feeling the) trouble of them; to taste
without discerning any flavour; to consider what is small as great,
and a few as many; and to recompense injury with kindness.