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Mon, Oct 23, 2023 07:20:19 AM

🐌 expressing 🐌
posted: Mon, Oct 23, 2023 07:20:19 AM


autonomy with integrity, is a tricky idea for me, as i have always desired and demanded autonomy in all my affairs, but was clueless about what integrity was and why i might need to consider it, before acting in an autonomous manner. it took a very long minute for me to get to the point where i might consider what effect my actions had on those around me, and even longer to actually care enough to alter my behavior. i am far from the model of a recovering addict, and even when i had aspirations of becoming that, i know today, that was just a pipe-dream, not that much different from the delusions of grandeur i carried with me through active addiction. using a way over-used cliché i am finally becoming “right sized.” this morning as i sat and listened, what i got was an understanding that what i want to do, what i want to share, how i “joke” with my friends, peers and partners, may seem okay from my point of view, but just might be more than a touch hurtful from theirs' living with a bit of integrity means that i have to find the ways and means to be myself and not be hateful and hurtful to others, even if they fVcking deserve it. 😜
these days, i am working my butt off to keep my job after the new year. i am working to be stronger coder and certainly a faster one. the issue is not in my skill level, per se, but in my dedication to the proposition that i am getting paid to do a job and i need to put in the hours. i find far too many distractions and as the past week has demonstrated i can produce cleaner code, more quickly than i have been, it is just putting in the effort, instead of phoning it in, as i have been doing of late. counting on hitting the lottery is no different than the crazed notions i had when i was using and waking up to the fact that i still have a few more years to work, even though AI is gunning for my job, i need to be one of the sharper tools in the box, rather than coming along for the ride. today, i will be proactive in what i write and get my projects completed on time and under budget as the business paradigm seems to demand. i have a very sweet gig and it is time for me to be not only grateful for it, but work my butt off to keep it.
as i have run out of things to say, it is time to get dressed out and go for a little bit of a work-out. slowly trod through about a mile, just to keep loose and see what progress i may be making on rehabbing my injury.i may not be “all that,” but i am certainly worth more than nothing and how i treat myself, will reflect on how i treat those in the world around me. it is a good day to be clean, have a job and have the desire to limit the “negative” impact i have on the world around me.

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

Another Look!

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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 1

2) All things depend on it for their production, which it gives to
them, not one refusing obedience to it. When its work is accomplished,
it does not claim the name of having done it. It clothes all things
as with a garment, and makes no assumption of being their lord;--it
may be named in the smallest things. All things return (to their root
and disappear), and do not know that it is it which presides over
their doing so;--it may be named in the greatest things.