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Mon, Aug 31, 2015 07:22:46 AM

¾ gratitude ¾
posted: Mon, Aug 31, 2015 07:22:46 AM


in this part of my annual cycle, as i try and get past how much i do NOT have or how far i have NOT gone, it is an excellent reminder to look at the flip-side of those suppositions. i often avoid the whole half-empty argument by saying i am grateful to have a glass at all, regardless of how much volume it currently contains. there are times however, when i do have to step up and take a stand and the battle of the “i'm not worthys” is kicking my butt and i need a bit of respite from it today.
it would be wonderful to say, that life is super great, i am super grateful and i cannot wait to get to my next super thrilling meeting. i am however, not quite in that “yippy-skippy” frame of mind. i am less filled with doom and gloom this morning and when i allow myself, i can actually see that i am, as the reading spoke to yesterday, doing better than i feel like i am. the irony of all of this is, that when i think i am doing good, no one seems to be attracted to me and when i think i am sick and twisted i seem to accumulate new sponsees. the message i get from that, is that i really am not a good judge of how much i have to give away, and when i feel that i really, really have something to give away, it is nothing that anyone wants. so where is all of this going?
well, what i am feeling now, is that i am grateful that i have people in my life, who can show and tell me how well i am doing. i am fairly sure that the service work i do, is a good thing. i am fairly certain that as i wrap up my eleventh step i can and will come to a better accommodation of my beliefs and those of the fellowship and be able to express those ideas simply, succinctly and clearly. i am also fairly certain, that all things being equal, i will choose to stay clean and live clean until my clean date comes around to be celebrated. as i write that stuff down, i do start to feel the warm glow of gratitude, that i sometimes get when i am in the here and now, and not the there and then. or maybe it is just the coffee kickin' in :) regardless of what i may be at this time, i can see that the light at the end of this particular tunnel is not a train.
looking at where i am not, the converse of the suppositions above, can certainly help as well. sure i am a member of the No Matter what Club, but my recovery means so much more, and i am not stuck there. today i have a job, a career, loving relationships, peers, friends and family members who want me around, instead of just grudgingly accept my presence. today i have the resources to keep a roof over my head, the lights, TV and the internet on. today i have the desire to be something more than just a garden variety addict, even though i will always be that. today i have the desire and the ability to listen for the guidance i need, without thinking about it, just being here and feeling it. today i have all the choices that active addiction kept me from seeing, and for all of that, i can feel the gratitude start to sink in. sure all of that is great, but i still want more, which tells me that i am still an addict, for after all, addiction is all about more, more and still more. desire is the root of my addiction and the self-obsessed nature of an addict, never seems to go completely away, and for that i guess i also am grateful as it keeps me in the here and now, and a member of the fellowship that has given me this newq way to live.

∞ DT ∞


djtConsulting Brand
The views expressed on this page are solely the opinion of the author.
While the author is a member of a 12 Step recovery fellowship, these writings are not intended to endorse or express the published wisdom of any fellowship.
These writings are not meant to be socially or politically correct, and if you take issue with any opinions expressed, please seek the guidance of someone wiser than me.

Another Look!

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☯ The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao ☯

by Lao-Tse
Translated by James Legge

Book 2

3) I would make the people return to the use of knotted cords (instead
of the written characters).